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From January 1, 2021 changes in the product specification of Helianthus (plants)
/in 2020, NewsAs of January 1, 2021, the supply specifications of Helianthus will be adjusted with the aim of providing correct and complete supply information.
From January 1, 2021 changes in the product specification of Mandevilla
/in 2020, News, UncategorizedAs of January 1, 2021, the supply specifications of Mandevilla will be adjusted with the aim of providing correct and complete supply information.
Adjustment of General VBN specification Plants with regard to the Plant Passport
/in 2019, NewsThere is an adjustment in the General VBN Plant specification because the Plant Passport is required by law for all plants as of 14 December 2019.
Choice of pre-treatment products for Astilbe, Scabiosa and Oxypetalum will be expanded
/in 2019, NewsOn January 1, 2020, there will be a change in the VBN product specification for Astilbe, Scabiosa and Oxypetalum. In the summer of 2019, the Post-Harvest Knowledge Centre has carried out verification testing to ascertain whether some products complies with the VBN norms for the pre-treatment of Astilbe, Scabiosa and Oxypetalum.
From January 1, 2020 one product group for Dianthus in the garden plants
/in 2019, NewsFrom January 1, 2020, there will be one product group for Dianthus in the garden plants. All Dianthus house plants product codes will be transferred to the Dianthus garden plants product group (3 09 024 01).
From October 15, 2019 weight mandatory grading code for Christmas and Decoration green products
/in 2019, NewsWeight is an important purchasing criterion for Christmas and decoration greenery products.
Documentation about changed requirements for importing plants with attached growing medium
/in 2019, NewsFrom 1st of September 2019, changed requirements apply to the import of plants with attached growing medium, such as soil, peat, coco peat, perlite, etc.
Adjustment of Helianthus in pots product specification with regard to maturity
/in 2019, NewsThere is an adjustment in the product specification for Helianthus in pots. From the 1st of May to 1st of October the possibility is offered to supply Helianthus in pots at all maturity stages.
Choice of pre-treatment products for Celosia cristata will be expanded
/in 2019, NewsThe Post-Harvest Knowledge Centre has carried out verification testing to ascertain whether the Florissant 810, Florissant 830 en Chrysal Grow 20 products complies with the VBN norms for the pre-treatment of Celosia cristata.
Choice of pre-treatment products for Achillea millefolium will be expanded
/in 2018, NewsIn the past year, the Post-Harvest Knowledge Centre has carried out verification testing to ascertain whether Florissant 810 and Florissant 830 complies with the VBN norms for the pre-treatment of Achillea millefolium.
Number of stems per bunch (L11) mandatory for all cutflowers from 1st of january 2019.
/in 2018, NewsThe number of stems per bunch (L11) is information that has become more important to buyers over the years. The request to supply this information with cutflowers is becoming more frequent by the day. Supplying this information leads to lower costs for buyers/customers, more satisfied consumers and ultimately better pricing and more revenue. To get there it is necessary that suppliers present this information by default. Only then can buyers accurately set up their processes. For these reasons the number of stems per bunch (L11) will be made a mandatory characteristic code on position 5 for all cutflowers.
Number of stems per bunch (L11) mandatory for Rosa on position 5 from 1st of December 2018.
/in 2018, NewsThe number of stems per bunch (L11) is information that has become more important to buyers over the years. The request to supply this information with cutflowers is becoming more frequent by the day. Therfore the number of stems per bunch (L11) will be made a mandatory grading code on position 5 for all cutflowers.
Number of stems per bunch (L11) mandatory for Lilium from 1st of August 2018.
/in 2018, NewsThe number of stems per bunch (L11) is information that has become more important to buyers over the years. The request to supply this information with cutflowers is becoming more frequent by the day.
Number of stems per bunch (L11) mandatory for several cutflowers from 1st of June 2018.
/in 2018, NewsThe number of stems per bunch (L11) is information that has become more important to buyers over the years. The request to supply this information with cutflowers is becoming more frequent by the day.
Choice of pre-treatment products for Astilbe will be expanded
/in 2018, NewsIn the past year, the Post-Harvest Knowledge Centre has carried out verification testing to ascertain whether the Floralife Express Clear 100 product complies with the VBN norms for the pre-treatment of Astilbe.
Plant passport requirement expanded
/in 2018, NewsFrom 14 December 2019 the requirement to have a plant passport will be expanded as a consequence of the new Plant Health Regulation. The new Plant Health Regulation replaces the current European Phytosanitary Directive 2000/29/EC.
Choice of pre-treatment products for Rosa will be changed
/in 2018, NewsOn 15 March 2018, there will be a change in the VBN product specification for Rosa. In the past year, the Post Harvest Knowledge Centre has carried out verification testing to ascertain whether the Floralife Express Clear 100 product complies with the VBN norms for the pre-treatment of roses.
Six additions to the EU Xylella host plant list
/in 2018, NewsThe European Commission has added 6 new plants to the Xylella host plant list. The host plant list contains plants that are susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa. All plants on this list require plant passports for trading within the EU.
Cleaning up and making the ‘colour-treated’ product codes uniform from 1 February 2018
/in 2018Customers have been expressing a need for greater clarity in terms of colour-treated product codes. Apparently, colour-treated product codes are not required to specify the colour, but the situation is not uniform. Currently, the quality code S50 ‘flower/berry/fruit colour’ is recommended, the colour is added to the product name, or neither is applicable. Therefore, a […]
Name change Pennisetum setaceum varieties
/in 2017, NewsLast June, we informed that the Pennisetum setaceum varieties had definitively been added by the European Commission to the list of invasive plants. DNA examination has shown that the following varieties are not related to Pennisetum setaceum. Their incorrect classification had threatened to have these varieties banned under the European legislation on invasive exotics. The names […]
Grading code S04 (Plant diameter) mandatory for Argyranthemum frutescens from 1 April 2018
/in 2017, NewsWith Argyranthemum frutescens, customers are increasingly considering the plant diameter to be important product information, a significant factor when deciding on a purchase. Given this development, we are going to make this product information available as a mandatory prescribed characteristic. This proposal has been accepted by the VBN Regulations Steering Group. From 1 January 2018, […]
Import from India
/in 2017, NewsAfter consultations at the EU level, the NVWA has decided that ‘electronic’ phytosanitary certificates from India with the text ‘digitally signed’ will no longer be accepted because the EU still has not come to an agreement with India about the use of electronic certificates. This means that: Phytosanitary certificates that are certified on November 1 […]
Information about the False Codling Moth, intended for trade flows from Africa / Israel
/in 2017, NewsFalse Codling Moth (scientific name Thaumatotibia leucotreta) will be given the quarantine status in the European Union from November 2017. False Codling Moth is a polyphagous pest which can feed on more than 70 host plants among which important crops like citrus, peppers (Capsicum spp.), roses, maize and cotton. The specie is present in most […]
Addition to productspecification Tanacetum starting 1 September 2016
/in 2016, NewsA proposal has been made to the VBN Steering Group to add to the current product specification the option to make the supply of bunches of 25 stems and grading code L11 (number of stems per bunch) mandatory, after a 3-month implementation period. This proposal was accepted by the VBN Steering Group.
Additions to the EU-list Xylella host plant and plant passport requirement
/in 2017, NewsThe European Commission has added the following host plants to the list (update 9). For all plants on this list plant passports are legally required in case of marketing within the EU. The new host plants are: Cercis siliquastrum Cytisus villosus Ficus carica Fraxinus angustifolia Lavandula x intermedia Prunus domestica Rosa canina Vitis vinifera For […]
For Arrangements quality code S53 (Pot material) will be mandatory from 1 September 2017
/in 2017, NewsFor Arrangements, the pot material is increasingly considered important product information by buyers, partly due to specific questions from end buyers. The type of pot material is an important reason to buy an arrangement (or not). Given this development, we want to make this product information available as a mandatory, regulatory code. This proposal has […]
The use of uniform symbols in the product information in the product specifications for pot orchids
/in 2017, NewsIn 2014 the uniform product information symbols for pot orchids were introduced, after being approved by the FPC. Currently, around 40% of orchid suppliers use them. The Chain Communication and Quality workgroup has recommended including the use of uniform symbols in the product information in the product specifications for pot orchids. This proposal was approved […]
Product specifications easier to find on new VBN-website
/in 2017, NewsSearching for product specifications has become easier for suppliers and buyers. The information on is now arranged much more clearly so you can have an immediate overview of the minimum criteria that a product must fulfil. Product specifications are the guidelines to assess and classify quality. Starting 15 May, the renovated VBN website is live […]
Supply of modified orange petunia varieties no longer possible
/in 2017, NewsRoyal FloraHolland is adopting the RIKILT findings and preventing the trade in modified orange petunia varieties by blocking the VBN codes. In the Netherlands, research conducted by RIKILT has found that there are a number of genetically modified orange petunia varieties available. This study was commissioned by the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate. In Europe, […]
Updating and simplifying product codes Cyclamen from 1 June 2017
/in 2017, NewsThe chain has expressed a need for greater clarity regarding product names. At the request of the Cyclamen product commission and buyers of Cyclamen, we are therefore reducing the number of product codes and making the product names uniform. The new classification of product codes goes into effect on 1 June 2017. This will make […]
The choice of pre-treatments for Bouvardia is being enlarged on 1 May 2017
/in 2017, NewsOn 1 May 2017, there will be a change in the product specification for Bouvardia. The choice of pre-treatments for Bouvardia is being enlarged. The Knowledge Centre conducted a study in the past year on behalf of the manufacturer Vaselife International to examine whether it is reasonable to add the product Vase Life Universal Hydrate […]
Grading code S05 (maturity stage) is added to Salix (Deco green) from 1 June 2017
/in 2017, News, UncategorizedIncreasingly often, buyers are finding it important to know the maturity stage of Salix. To fulfil this request, we want to make supplying this information mandatory as an official quality code. This we will do in two steps. The grading code S05 (maturity stage) is recommended from March 1, 2017 and mandatory from June 1, […]
Grading code S05 (Maturity stage) mandatory by a number of Perennials from 1 March 2017
/in 2017, UncategorizedIncreasingly often, buyers are finding it important to know the maturity stage of perennials. To fulfil this request, we want to make supplying this information mandatory as an official quality code. This proposal has been accepted by the VBN Regulations Steering Group. For the product groups listed below, the grading code S05 (stage of maturity) […]
There will be a link between length and weight for Alstroemeria from 1 January 2017
/in 2016, NewsAt the request of the FPC, the VBN Regulations Steering Group has been asked to take a decision about modifying the product specification, in order to improve the presentation and quality of Alstroemeria.
Reorganization product groups en product codes Citrus from 1 January 2017
/in 2016, NewsAs you know, the horticultural sector is currently undergoing radical development in many areas. One of the evident trends in consumer needs is for edible plants. There is also a need to create more clarity in the chain regarding product names and uniformity of VBN coding. After going through an intensive process with various Citrus suppliers, buyers, Floricode, product manager and the Product Specifications Department and involving Royal FloraHolland regulations, the following changes are planned.
For wreaths the grading code S74 (Material diameter) will become mandatory from 1 November 2016
/in 2016, NewsFor wreaths the grading code S74 (Material diameter) will become mandatory from 1 November 2016. This has been a recommended code for several years.
CSR certification: Adjustments in quality codes S97 and K07, creation of new codes K14 – K29
/in 2016, NewsFrom 1 November 2016 the content of quality code S97 (other information on supplier) and K07 (other information on supplier) will be adjusted. Furthermore the new quality codes K14 – K29 will be created to make it possible to specify more CSR certificates in the supply.
The grading code S56 (cultivation method) becomes mandatory for Vitis from 1 February 2017
/in 2016, NewsFrom 1 November 2016, the grading code S56 (cultivation method) will be included for Vitis, with an implementation period of 3 months. The reason for this is the potential occurrence of phylloxera in the ‘own root’ Vitis which does not occur in grafted plants. Phylloxera can cause extensive damage.
Digital version of plant passport number now available
/in 2016, NewsThe plant passport number has recently been copied into a digital version. For clock sales and direct sales, it can be attached digitally to the Electronic Delivery Form (EDF).
Additions to Xylella host plant list and plant passport requirement from 1st of August 2016
/in 2016, NewsRecently contaminations with Xylella fastidiosa were discovered in the south of Italy, southeastern France and Corsica on plants that had not been contaminated before.
Keep the Netherlands Xylella-free
/in 2016, NewsAll strains of Xylella are regulated in the EU and may affect different host plants depending on local circumstances and vectors present, although all strains have a very broad range of host plants which largely overlaps.
New product group Alstroemeria Florinca 1 July 2016
/in 2016In the FPC meeting held on 24 November 2015, a request was submitted to create a new product group code within the Alstroemeria group (1 01 003 00).
Digital version of plant passport number now available
/in 2016The plant passport number has recently been copied into a digital version. For clock sales and direct sales, it can be attached digitally to the Electronic Delivery Form (EDF). This new version is a response to a commonly expressed wish of buyers
The choice of pre-treatments for Aster is being enlarged from June 15, 2016
/in 2016, NewsLast year, Florissant had a new product checked for its effect as a vase life-extending agent for Aster. The Florissant product met all the conditions set, and thus it is being added to the mandatory aspects in the product specification for Aster.
Vigilance advised concerning Chrysanthemum white rust to Russia 2-5-2016
/in 2016, NewsOn the website of the Russian federation cases of Crysanthemum white rust (Puccinia horiana) are more frequently recorded in addition to the usual accounts of thrips in cut flowers.
For globe chrysanthemums the grading code S56 (cultivation method) will become mandatory from 1 May 2016.
/in 2016This code has been advised since 2015. The grading codes for globe chrysanthemums (group 202 004 03) are as follows from 1 May 2016:
Postpone entry date plant passport for Xylella March 31, 2016
/in 2016, NewsThe entry date to obligate a plant passport for approximately 30 plant species is postponed to 31 March 2016. As a result of outbreaks of the bacterial disease Xylella fastidiosa the European Commission requires the use of a plant passport within the EU for approximately 30 plant species. This obligation would take effect on February […]
News report on Xylella plant passport 1 February 2016
/in 2016, NewsMandatory plant passport for a number of plant species in connection with Xylella
Due to the outbreak of the bacterial disease Xylella fastidiosa in plants, the EU has imposed a number of measures.